
The NCEIA Team are very excited to launch the new website for 2019/2019 Dolphin Music Awards! You can use this website to find all the information you need to prepare your entires, take a walk down memory lane through the vibrant 26 years of Dolphin Music Awards, show your interest to volunteer and be a part of this awesome event, or just check out whats been going on in your local music community.

We hope all questions you might have will be answered in the 2018-2019 Dolphin Music Awards Page. It’s heavy with info, Q&A, tips and advice, Sponsors and Judges. Get in touch if you feel we haven’t covered something you need. We have a team of dedicated people who have really tried to think about this from all angles.

Please share our Music Awards on all the platforms that you think will reach the people you think would benefit from awesome prizes, connecting with industry locals, learning the skills and making friends. We’ve come a long way since our humble beginnings and we grow a little more each year with your help and ideas.

See you soon and Good Luck!