Welcome to the Dolphin Music Awards Song Entry Page
Here you will find heaps of tips, frequently asked questions, some history, notes on each category and the portal to take you through the Entry Process. You need to go to the Entry Portal which takes you to the Song Central website, which is how you enter the Dolphin Music Awards. So, think of this site as your “information hub”, and Song Central as the “Letter Box”, and please use our Facebook page for any communication you wish to do with us. We really have tried to consider every question we’ve ever been asked, after twenty years of running an this community run organisation based music awards Competition. So if you do have a question, please try to have a look around our website to see if we have answered your query. But, We are here to help so get in contact if you need to!
Ok, Here we go!
You must be living in the “(02) 66″ Telephone Area Code to be eligible to enter the North Coast Entertainment Industry Association’s Dolphin Music Awards.
Please Read the Rules and Conditions of Entry below before you enter the Dolphin Music Awards.
Pricing: Check the pricing (below) and work out how many songs you will enter. Please consider becoming a member to support NCEIA and to get your members discount for your entries!
Category: Check and select your song categories using the Category Criteria as a guide. (click on categories to get a judging description)
Song Format: Songs as MP3 128kbit file/s, (smaller than 8MB max.)
Short Biography: in PDF format (Less than, or up to: 100 words Max).
Photo: Your images need to be in a “.jpg” or “.jpeg” format and saved at 300 dpi for print. Your Image size should be between 1 & 3 MB.
Video Category: You will need to provide a Link to your video via a platform of your choice e.g. YouTube or Vimeo.
Production Category: We require 4 hard copies Compact discs (which are not rewritable). One song per entry. *see below. Labeled with Song Title only.
Album Category: For this category we require 4 hard copies Compact discs with cover artwork included. *see below
The Album of the Year and the Production Categories need to be submitted in hard-copy form by first submitting your entry through the NCEIA website and then sending 4 copies with your details listed separately in the package, (1 each for the judges and 1 as a backup), to “NCEIA P.O. Box 6275, South Lismore NSW 2480”,
Or by dropping it into: The Lismore Jewel Centre, 102 Molesworth Street, Lismore.
For hints and tips on how to create and resize mp3’s, create PDF’s, size your jpg photos and link to video channel see Q & A Section
If you are Ready To Enter the Dolphin Awards, You can head to our Connect Portal with "Song Central" to Enter RIGHT HERE
- Please wait a few moments for the connection to the portal -
One Song Entry
NCEIA Membership
Discounted Song Entry & Event Entry
One Song Entry
NCEIA Member
Entry for NCEIA Member
5 songs or more : $24
Awards Night Entry:
General Admission: $38
NCEIA Member: $25
The NCEIA Dolphin Awards Night is on Tuesday the 15th October 2019 at the Ballina RSL Club.

Conditions of Entry to the NCEIA Dolphin Music Awards 2018-2019
Please note:
Before you start you will need:
Provide a short Biography prepared (no more than 100 words as a PDF ).
You will need an Mp3 128kbps format (No Bigger than 8MB max) file of your music unless you are entering the Album of the Year or the Production Category.
A photo as a .jpg or .jpeg file saved at 300dpi for printing, your file will be about 1MB to 3 MB in size.
Entering the Album of the Year? You also need 4 hard copies of the finished product including the cover.
If you are entering the Production Category note that each entry is for one song only and that we will need 4 hard copies labelled with the song title, track number and your entry number.
When entering the Video Category – you will need to provide a link to your video via YouTube, Vimeo etc.
What the Judges see:
There are 3 judges per category who are only given your music file with its title. (Album of the Year, Video and Production categories are different).
- You must be living in the (02) 66 telephone area code to be eligible to enter the awards.
- Songs entered must comply with the category criteria found on the “Category Criteria” page so please read the descriptions carefully before entering a song in a category. If the judges deem the entry as not complying to the category criteria the song will not be judged.
- If there are not enough entries to go ahead in a category that you have entered, you will be contacted and given the choice to receive a refund or if we can successfully contact you prior to judging, we will offer you the opportunity to enter the same song into a different category as long as it meets that category criteria.
- The judges’ decision is final in all areas of the competition and correspondence will not be entered into.
- Covers are only acceptable in the Jazz category and best female or male vocal. All other submissions must be original compositions.
- No entrant can be signed to a recording label or have a major label release prior to the Dolphin Awards night although an entrant may be using a distribution label at the time.
- Entries for the production and album of the year category must supply 4 hard copies on standard discs (not rewritable). All discs are to be clearly labeled with track number, song title and entry number. (prefer no track information formatted onto disc)
- Entries for Video must submit a link, (YouTube. Vimeo etc.), of their entry song.
- All other entries will only be accepted through MP3 uploads to the website with a maximum size of 8MB.
- The Youth category is open to entrants 19 years and under. In cases of bands, the average age of the band must not be over the age of 19 at the time of entry.
- All entries must be a maximum of 8 minutes in duration (except Album of the Year).
- All successful finalists will be notified approximately two weeks prior to the awards night.
- No entries will be returned.
- You may enter as many times as you like in a number of different categories with the proviso that all category criteria are met. If a song is entered in the wrong category it will not be judged.
- By entering the NCEIA Dolphin Music Awards you give permission for the music and artwork you enter to be played on radio, television and on the Awards night as well as shared with affiliated music industry contacts including judges and strategic partners.
- By entering the NCEIA Dolphin Music Awards you give permission for images of the awards night photos & film to be used on television, the NCEIA website, NCEIA communications and shared with affiliated music industry contacts and strategic partners.
Album of the Year
This category needs to be submitted in hard-copy form by first submitting your entry through this website and then sending 4 copies, (1 each for the judges and 1 as a backup), to “NCEIA P.O. Box 6275 South Lismore NSW 2480”, Or by dropping it into The Lismore Jewel Centre, 102 Molesworth Street.
An album is essentially a suite of collected works.
An album should be at least thirty minutes or over in length. Ideally it should contain at least 6 tracks. Longer pieces that make up Techno, Instrumental or Jazz albums, for example, would be an exemption to this rule as long the album is more than thirty minutes duration. An album does need to be thematically or stylistically bound together to be considered worthy as opposed to a loose collection of compositions or songs. An album may contain a number of different styles or genres but do they bear any relation to each other?
Another important requirement is production values. In general, the judges would expect to be listening for a certain standard in recording technique. This can either enhance or detract from the listening experience. So a reasonably good standard is expected.
Overall, an album should be enjoyable from beginning to end and stand up to repeated play. Each listening should enhance the experience of the album and encourage listeners to play it again. It should contain strong material without the inclusion of substandard work. It should flow along its natural course without any unnecessary distractions.
The visual presentation of Album of the Year also counts towards the outcome so be sure to package your album well.
- All genres are included in this category.
- We are looking for originality, strength of individual tracks and overall compositional & track layout.
- Recording quality and production values are significant factors in this category.
Song of the Year
All styles can be represented within this category. The song of the year looks at the intrinsic values that make up a song such as its originality, lyrical content and structural integrity. Strength of composition including the lyrics, melody, rhythm and structure are all important in this category along with it being a song that meshes together as a whole. Overall we are looking at the song rather than the singer. Originality and applied technique are factors that govern the making of a song from being either mediocre or outstanding.
Recording quality and production values are significant factors in this category.
Male Vocal
This category covers the male vocal performance of a single song of any genre with the emphasis on technique, structure and integration of the various parts if more than one vocal is used. Solo and ensemble work can be included in this category.
Non-original material is acceptable in this category also.
Female Vocal
This category covers the female vocal performance of a single song of any genre with the emphasis on technique, structure and integration of the various parts if more than one vocal is used. Solo and ensemble work can be included in this category.
Non-original material is acceptable in this category.
Only song title to be shown on discs, no names please.
It is important not to make any changes to the sound of your entry file post production as it may negatively alter the playback quality for judging purposes.
This category needs to be submitted in hard-copy form by first submitting your entry through this website and then sending 4 copies, (1 each for the judges and 1 as a backup), to the
Postal Address: NCEIA P.O. Box 6275 South Lismore NSW 2480
Or by dropping it into the Delivery Address:
The Lismore Jewel Centre, 102 Molesworth Street, Lismore.
This category covers single song entries which are submitted in standard audio CD format, (not rewritable), to ensure no loss of fidelity.
Entries in this category will be assessed on:
- Fidelity of audio
- Mix
- Spatial aspects
- Use of production techniques to strengthen impact
- Use of production conventions for given genres (eg reggae, rock)
- Innovation of production
Music Video
For this category you will need to submit your entry through this website using a link to your video via YouTube, Vimeo etc.
It is important to note that in this category it is the video, and not the song that is the focus of attention for the judges. The video will be judged on quality and narrative, timing, presentation of ideas and relationship to the song. Copy-write laws are paramount in that footage must be original or permission to use the footage must have been gathered.
Songwriter of the Year
All styles can be represented within this category. The writer’s song of the year looks at the intrinsic values that make up a song such as its originality, lyrical content and structural integrity. Strength of composition including the lyrics, melody, rhythm and structure are all important in this category along with it being a song that meshes together as a whole.
Overall we are looking at the song and rather than the performance in this category. The performer/s of this song do not need to be the writer/s.
Adult Contemporary
Adult Contemporary is rather a continuation of the easy listening and soft rock style that became popular in the 1960s and 1970s with some adjustments that reflect the evolution of pop/rock music.
Artists that are often described as Adult Contemporary include Sting, Eric Clapton, James Taylor, Celine Dion, Simply Red and Bryan Adams. It is a very popular genre. Acoustic-based singer/songwriter material could also be suited to this category.
This Category is for anyone who is under the age of 19 at the time of song entry. If the song is by a group then the average age has to be under 19 years of age and songs can be in any style or genre.
Alternative / Indie
Alternative and Indie originally meant music produced independently from major commercial record labels or their subsidiaries, often with a do-it-yourself approach to recording and publishing. It is now also used to describe a genre such as indie rock or indie pop. Most indie music artists do not fall into a single, defined musical style or genre. The indie rock movement, for example, encompassed a wide range of styles, from hard-edged bands, through to do-it-yourself experimental bands, to punk-folk singers. Alternative pop/rock is essentially a catch-all term for slightly left of centre music such as the majority of music that is played on jjj radio.
Pop music is the genre of popular music that often has certain features that are sometimes called the pop-music formula. They have a good rhythm, a catchy melody, and are easy to remember and sing along to. They usually have a chorus that is repeated several times and two or more versus. Most pop songs are between two and five minutes long, and the lyrics are often about the joys and problems of love and relationships. This top 40 charting style of music can also include some slower pop ballads as well as more obvious up-tempo pop songs. This is the most commercial of all the categories and is for songs with mass (often younger) audience appeal.
From the outset, when the early rockers merged country and blues, rock has been defined by its energy, rebellion and catchy hooks, but as the genre aged, it began to shed those very characteristics, placing equal emphasis on craftsmanship and pushing the boundaries of the music.
The sound of rock is traditionally centred on the amplified electric guitar. The sound of an electric guitar in rock music is typically supported by an electric Bass guitar which was pioneered in jazz music, and percussion produced from a drum kit that combines drums and cymbals. This trio of instruments has often been complemented by the inclusion of other instruments, particularly keyboards. The basic rock instrumentation was derived from the basic blues band instrumentation (prominent lead guitar, second chordal instrument, bass, and drums). Rock music is traditionally built on a foundation of simple un-syncopated rhythms in a 4/4 meter, with a repetitive snare drum on beats two and four. Since the late 1950s and particularly from the mid-1960s onwards, rock music often used the Verse/ Chorus structure derived from blues and folk music, but there has been considerable variation from this model.
The sound of rock is traditionally centred on the amplified electric guitar
Blues is a popular music genre which has undergone many changes in its characteristics since its inception. Blues music is characterised by specific chord progressions, of which the twelve bar blues chord progression is the most common. The blue notes that, for expressive purposes are sung or played flattened or gradually bent (minor 3rd to major 3rd) in relation to the pitch of the major scale, are also an important part of the sound. Additionally the rhythm is also a unique characteristic of blues music being based on the 12-bar and 48-beat repetitive pattern.
When it comes to melody, blues music also consists of an emphasis on the flattened third, fifth and seventh notes of a major scale. These notes are traditionally played in a blues scale. Traditionally, the verse of a conventional blues song comprises three lines with the first two lines being more or less the same, followed by the third which is the response to the first two lines. Thematically, early blues lyrics concentrated more on sadness and disappointing stories but blues can also be a raucous dance music that celebrates pleasure and success.
Country music originally comes from a combination of southern folk songs, gospel and blues music. Most of its songs were built around three chords and a plain melody, but these forms were so basic, they have allowed for the development of many different styles, from the gritty sounds of honky-tonk to the jazzy improvisations of Western Swing. Over time Country music has continued to evolve from the rhythmic guitar-and-fiddle driven traditional country that became the foundation of modern country music to the more innovative musical expression of very successful songwriters such as Keith Urban, Garth Brooks, and Shania Twain.
Country songs are suitable for easy listening. They mainly consist of clean lyrics with music pieces using classical guitars and other traditional instruments. Occasionally, solos of instruments like the banjo, mandolin, fiddle, and harmonica can also be heard in country songs.
Jazz comes from American music developed especially from ragtime and blues and characterized by propulsive syncopated rhythms, polyphonic ensemble playing, varying degrees of improvisation, and often deliberate distortions of pitch and timbre. At the outset, jazz was dance music, performed by swinging big bands. Soon, the dance elements faded into the background and improvisation became the key element of the music.
As the genre evolved, the music split into a number of different styles from the speedy, hard-hitting rhythms of be-bop and the laid-back, mellow harmonies of cool jazz to the jittery, atonal forays of free jazz and the earthy grooves of soul jazz. What tied it all together was a foundation in the blues, a reliance on group interplay and unpredictable improvisation
“The art of improvisation and reaching people with spontaneous music is what Jazz is all about.” Sonny Rollins
Urban / Hip-Hop / Funk / R & B
Hip Hop music is just a part of the whole hip-hop culture, a very big part. The music is marked by a significant importance to the bass and the beats, with rapping as the predominant vocal art form. The music is divided into two parts, DJ-ing and rapping, although both of them are regularly used together and can include disc-scratching, sampling and crowd control using live audio techniques.
Funk typically consists of a complex groove
Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythmic groove of electric bass and drums to the foreground. Like much African-inspired music, funk typically consists of a complex groove with rhythm instruments such as electric guitar, electric bass, Hammond organ and drums playing interlocking rhythms. Funk bands sometimes have a horn section of several saxophones, trumpets and in some cases, a trombone.
By the 1970s, the term R&B “rhythm and blues” changed and was used as a blanket term for soul and funk. In the 1980s, a newer style of R&B developed, becoming known as “contemporary R&B”. It combines elements of rhythm and blues, pop, soul, funk, hip hop, and electronic music.
All contemporary R&B, and all Hip Hop, Rap and Urban styles are welcome in this category, so if you think that your songs may overlap with another category you may wish to also enter your song/s in those categories.
Heavy & Hard
Heavy & Hard covers genres of rock music that has evolved into a heavier sound with bands that have developed a thick, massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, overall loudness and vigorous vocals. The genre’s lyrics and performance styles are sometimes associated with aggression or angst. The prominent role of the bass is also key to the heavy sound, and the interplay of bass and guitar is often a central element. The bass guitar provides the low-end sound crucial to making the music “heavy”.
The essence of heavy drumming creates a loud, constant beat for the band using the speed & power. In live performance, loudness or an onslaught of sound plays an important part in heavy music whether it be Heavy Metal, Heavy Rock, Punk or Garage music.
Protest &/or Environmental
The Key to this category is that the songs should call for action on current events, world issues or social change or the environment. In this category the lyrics are especially important even though the song may take on the elements of any musical genre.
The Electronic category covers many styles and may include traditional instruments as long as the music is predominantly created electronically.
Some styles and sub-genres of electronic music include Ambient Music, Electronica, Trance, Atmospheric, Minimal, House, Techno, D&B, Space Music, Jungle, Industrial, Breakbeat, Psychedelic, UK Garage, Electro, Downtempo, Chillout, Nu-Jazz, Nu-Disco, Organic, New Wave, Dubstep, Dance Punk, Progressive, Acid Rave, Gabba, Sambass, Euro, Snap, Synthpop, Dark Ambient, Industrial, Ambient Dub, Ethno, Isolationist… and everything in between.
Folk refers to a wide variety of genres that emerged in the mid 20th century and afterwards which were associated with traditional folk music, (a song originating among the people of a country or area, passed by oral tradition from one singer or generation to the next, often existing in several versions, and marked generally by simple, modal melody and stanzaic, narrative verse). Traditionally the songs were sourced as anonymous and are therefore, not owned by anyone. They were always lyrically important, with an easy rhythm to guide the song. It was mostly the working class that engaged in these expressive songs. It is they who made the folk songs, which is why the songs are about daily life and the workers’ struggle, or about nature and wildlife, or even lullabies for children.
Overall it is the sound, structure and lyrical style that help to define this category.
The other group can be collectively called folk music or folk revival music which is modern music with sound that is derived from the folk songs of old (usually sticking to one style) and the lyrics are created wholly by the artist or drawn from the folk song itself. Artists that have made folk music include Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Led Zeppelin, Lead Belly, Pete Seeger and Joan Baez.
Music for Children
This category is Music for Children not by children though may include them.
Children benefit from doing more than just listening to a song. To get the full benefits of music, children need to be inspired to sing, clap and dance along with the tunes. When children sing and move to music the brain begins to develop its musical comprehension. This is done through voicing and dancing, not through simply listening. Music for children includes a mixture of genres and a variety of styles but often takes the form of storytelling or has some educational influence.
Soul / Gospel
Soul is a style generated from a heavy influence of gospel music on blues and R&B.
Soul is a kind of music that incorporates elements of rhythm and blues and gospel music. Characterized by an emphasis on vocals and an impassioned improvisatory delivery, it is associated with performers such as Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, and Otis Redding and includes its sub genres such as Neo Soul.
Gospel songs contain lyrics taken from Bible verses or are just written out of Christian belief. Usually, the lyrics are made out of a personal experience with the divine. Gospel songs may be from any music genre such as country, rock, rap, or metal. World-renowned artists to compose gospel songs are Don Moen, Petra, Sonicflood, Michael W. Smith, and Hillsong.
Instrumental is any music that does not include lyrics though the use of voice as an instrument is acceptable.
All styles and forms and genres of instrumental music are welcome in this category, Classical, rock, acoustic, electric, theme music, film music, jingles or mood music, or improvisational pieces. Any type of instrumentation is welcome – eg a single acoustic instrument, electronic, multiple instruments, all keyboards based, live band/ensemble performances etc.
Cabaret / Stage Musical Song / Comedic
Stage Musical is any single song that you would see on stage in a musical.
Cabaret a style of entertainment that often includes a collection of short performances of music, theatre, and dance strung together over the course of the performance. Cabaret acts are usually performed by a group of people, like an acting troupe or dance company, and occur in a small informal environment like a nightclub or small venue. A cabaret singer will often over-dramatise and tell a story of an imagined, exaggerated life, or encourage the audience to question their own behaviour in a comedic way.
Can I enter if I live anywhere in Australia?
The NCEIA Dolphin Music Awards are only open to people who live in the (02) 66 Telephone Area Code.
How do I prepare my images for entering?
If your photos are great quality and great shots, The NCEIA Dolphin Awards will be more likely to share, print, help promote you and your music. It’s in your best interests, as an entrant, to provide great images.
Try to take clear (not blurry), high resolution (large and clear), interesting shots of you portraying the mood of your music and/or what you do Iive on stage or in the studio.
Consider: Photograph arrangement, contrast in light and dark shadows, contrast in colour.
Image Size: If you can open your photo in an application that deals with images (Photoshop, Preview etc) Not Microsoft word or a word processor.
View the “Image Size” and make sure the image details have a dpi of 300. If it is smaller, you may need to consider taking the photos again with the settings on your camera altered. If it’s bigger, bring it down to 300dpi. A dpi of 72 is what you want for your web photos. A dpi of 300 is required for a good print.
Your image dimensions need to be 10 x 15cms (4×6″) to 20 x 25cm (8×10″). Basically the same as what you have in your box of photo albums in a cupboard at home.
How do I write a good bio and save it as a PDF?
As with your band photos, if your Biography is great, The NCEIA Dolphin Awards will be more likely to share, print, help promote you and your music. It’s in your best interests, as an entrant, to have a great bio.
A good bio is a bit like a press release for a News worthy event. It gets to the point and covers some basic facts: Who, What, Where, When and Why.
Who are you, whats your name, whats your band name?
What sort of music do you play, what instruments are involved? What genre’s do you play?
Where are you based? Where are you from? Where did you go that inspired you?
When do you play- are you Sunday afternoon vibes, or 2am thrash punk?
and Why. The best question of them all. Why do you play music. What does it mean to you?
It may recognise some exciting accomplishments of the recent past.
It may note some up-coming gigs, plans and where your sights are set.
You may note other artists you have worked with, your strongest influences and what your music is about.
How do I make my bio into a pdf format?
Your 100 word biography needs to be in a pdf format.
Write your biography in a Word Processor, click “Save As”, select file type FORMAT: PDF
Double check your file works. Open the pdf file.
If you don’t have a save as PDF option then you will need to down load a pdf printer program and the print to PDF option.
Where and When will the Dolphin Awards be?
The NCEIA Dolphin Awards will be held on: Tuesday October the 15th in the Ballina RSL Auditorium.
Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Where do I send my hard copies to?
The Album of the Year and the Production categories need to be submitted in hard-copy form by first submitting your entry through this website and then sending 4 copies, (1 each for the judges and 1 as a backup), to
NCEIA P.O. Box 6275
South Lismore NSW 2480,
Or by dropping it into:
Delivery Address Only:
The Lismore Jewel Centre,
102 Molesworth Street,
How do I make my song a mp3 format?
Your song entry needs to be in an mp3 128kbps format, (MUST be Smaller than 8MB) so that we can handle the files and get them to the judges.
We urge you to check your song type, song file and file quality on different playback formats – your computer, your phone, your car, a usb stick, from different email address etc. Broken and corrupted files happen more than you can imagine.
Convert your song file to mp3 on your computer music software with an online platform, like this one.
You can see if it’s an mp3 file by viewing the file type in your finder view of your computer.
Double and triple check your file plays – ALL THE WAY THROUGH – on at least TWO different actual music playing machines.
How do I purchase a ticket to the Dolphin Awards?
The Dolphin Awards Event Night will be a massive celebration at the Ballina RSL on October the 15th, 2019.
Tickets are sold prior to the event via The Ballina RSL Website Attraction Page.
Tickets are $20 for NCEIA Members and $35 for Non Members. Up to 5 tickets at discounted price.
Please Like and Share our NCEIA Facebook Page to stay in contact.
Why should I be a member of NCEIA?
The North Coast Entertainment Industry Association is a Volunteer inspired and Volunteer run organisation which aims to:
- To bring together and strengthen our regions music community.
- To encourage developing musicians in this region
- To acknowledge this areas talented musicians at our major event, the NCEIA Dolphin Music Awards
- To create performance opportunities for members
Becoming a member of NCEIA not only lowers your song entry’s to the Dolphin Music Awards, but it also shows your effort and support in keeping this 28 year old institution of the North Coast Music Industry scene thriving.
Member discounts and all proceeds go back into the awards as we are a Not for Profit Organisation. We appreciate your continued support over the years!
If you would like to volunteer your help and support, please contact via The Dolphin Music Awards facebook or email “mariska ( @ ) nceia (.) org (.) au” to express your interest. *Remove the brackets to email.
I can't make it to the Dolphin Awards this year, Do you stream the event live?
Why Yes! Yes we do!!
You can catch all the action on our Dolphin Music Awards You Tube Channel right HERE!
As well as being streamed on 92.9 River FM!
What does a Dolphin Award look like?
A Dolphin Award is a gloriously sculpted trophy which represents a slice in history of the North Coast Entertainment Music Scene and Community.
The Prizes donated from our incredible line up of Sponsors range from recording time, mentorships, festival performance slots, microphones, instruments and gear.
How do I enter the Music Video Category?
For this category you will need to submit your entry through this website using a link to your video via YouTube, Vimeo etc.
It is important to note that in this category it is the video, and not the song that is the focus of attention for the judges. The video will be judged on quality and narrative, timing, presentation of ideas and relationship to the song. Copy-write laws are paramount in that footage must be original or permission to use the footage must have been gathered.
You will need to upload your Music Video to a Vimeo or Youtube account. If you would like to keep your Music Video private, you will need to share accessibility to the NCEIA Dolphin Awards.
What to do if my computer times out?
1. Check you file sizes by selecting detail view on your computer.
2. If entering a bunch of songs perhaps do it in two batches.
3. Sometimes a slow computer will make it time out or slow internet speed.
Gary Pinkerton | Musician | NCEIA Dolphin Music Awards | |
Brett Hamlyn | Songwriter | Warner Brothers Music, Rondor Music Publishers, CBS Records | |
Marcus Schintler | Musician | Weddings Parties Anything; Drummer for Billy Bragg & Dave Warner; The Wetsuits; ARIA Awards; Victorian AGE Music Hall of Fame; Currently the Chair of the Northern Rivers Conservatorium. | |
Matt Hill | Musician/Academic | Southern Cross University Band: “Amphibian” |
Jeremy Stanford | Actor/Director/Musician/Writer | Resident Director of the Musical: “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” | |
Jeff Bailey | Producer/Composer/Session Musician/Sound Engineer | KILLER Hz Audio Production | |
Alison Pearl | Promoter | Summer Song Music Camp | |
Anita Colenbrander | Event Manager | Bluesfest Busking Competition | |
James Lyall | Lecturer | SAE Creative Media Institute, Australia; 3rd Eye | |
Anthony Moulay | Radio Presenter/Radio Airplay Chart Coordinator/Music Photographer | | |
Jodie Digney | Working musician and school teacher. | Bands: The BlueSkillet Rovers, The Hoochers, Bassix, Kiss My Boots & Two a Tears in a Bucket | |
Chris Brooker | Musician | Round Mountain Girls | |
Roeland Kroes | Sound Engineer | ||
Ian Slade | Cinematographer/editor | ||
Joel South | Musician, Promoter, Independent record label owner. | Session, ex Hammers | |
Roger Kristensen | Australian Tour manager for International Acts | ||
Tyler Solleder | |||
Troy Schmidt | Sound Engineer, Musician | Director TS productions, Southern Cross University Technician |
Music for Children | CHRIS AND JENNY JAMES | I Shine |
Music for Children | The Moonshiners | The Pirate Song |
Music for Children | Katie Rutledge | Flossy the Fox |
Instrumental | Favourite Son | Do You Love |
Instrumental | Louis Muller | Wintertide |
Instrumental | The Bunya Brothers | I Wish You Peace |
Soul / Gospel | Shelly Brown | Burnin’ For a Long Time |
Soul / Gospel | The Fortunate Souls | Too Soon |
Soul / Gospel | Wendy Ford | Clean House |
Urban/Hip Hop/Funk/R&B | The Ninth Chapter | Smoke Stack |
Urban/HipHop/Funk/R&B | T-Larmon | Get Down |
Urban/HipHop/Funk/R&B | Mocri$ & ‘n’ TRIPLE | Livin My Dreams |
Heavy & Hard | The Outcome | The End |
Heavy & Hard | Beast Machine | Time Slowed Down |
Heavy & Hard | Ritchie Jameson | Universe Recycle Theory |
Protest and/or Environmental | The Ruperts | Mr. Elastic |
Protest and/or Environmental | Greg Schubert | Love Now – featuring Simone Smith |
Protest and/or Environmental | Adrian Bishop | All The Kings Are Dead |
Jazz | Denson Baartz Quartet | Dark Sky |
Jazz | The Magnificence | Internal Affairs |
Jazz | Greg Schubert | Sweet Neptune’s Daughter |
Electronic | Vajra | Vast |
Electronic | Rogue Data | Biometric Code |
Folk | Shelly Brown | We Will Sing |
Folk | Luke Bennett | Trust |
Folk | Pat Tierney | Angels |
Youth | The Ruperts | Leave That Man |
Youth | chloe Sinclair | warm water |
Youth | Hunnybee | Meant To Be |
Music Video | Moreton | Circles |
Music Video | Maclean High School and Desert Pea Media | Yaegl Biirrinba |
Music Video | From Crisis To Collapse | Slow Burn |
Blues | The Juke Joint Way | Can’t take It Anymore |
Blues | The Ninth Chapter | What’s Going to Happen Next |
Alternative / Indie | FRANKI KANEUR | Different Dimension |
Alternative / Indie | Sideshow | Fragments |
Alternative / Indie | Josh Lee Hamilton | A Lament |
Alternative/Indie | H_d_m_ (Human Dinasour Machine) | Goonbox |
Adult Contemporary | Melanie Spears | Beauty’s Time |
Adult Contemporary | Pat Tierney | My Sweet Love |
Adult Contemporary | Greg Kew | See You In The Summertime |
Adult Contemporary | The Loveys | Dinner For One |
Rock | Beast Machine | Time Slowed Down |
Rock | Chana Waters | Home |
Rock | Carola Woods | Remain True |
Pop | Fergo & The Burden | Do Whatever Makes You Happy |
Pop | The Rochelle Lees Band | I Don’t Love You Anymore |
Pop | The Rochelle Lees Band | Warning Signs |
Pop | GoodRich | love your way |
Country | Brendan Smoother | Old Chimney |
Country | Maria Stratton | Cotton |
Country | Round Mountain Girls | Magical Mix – Round Mountain Girls featuring John Williamson |
Country | carl cleves | golden cage |
Production | Nathan Stanborough | Do Whatever Makes You Happy |
Production | Melanie Spears | Divine Design |
Production | Skyeaterz | Dear Pilbara |
Songwriter of the Year | The Fortunate Souls | Too Soon |
Songwriter of the Year | Matt Hill | The dust will make a coat on the floor |
Songwriter of the Year | Moreton | See Yourself ft. James Vincent McMorrow |
Songwriter of the Year | Josh Lee Hamilton | With The Wind |
Male Vocal | Luke Furguson from Fergo & The Burden | Do Whatever Makes You Happy |
Male Vocal | Chris James | To Be With You |
Male Vocal | Mick McHugh | Not In Kansas Anymore |
Female Vocal | Shelly Brown | Tendrils of Love |
Female Vocal | Georgia Potter from Moreton | Circles |
Female Vocal | Mish Songsmith | Fly Free |
Song of the Year | Melanie Spears | Lover |
Song of the Year | The Fortunate Souls | All My Time |
Song of the Year | Timeless Tribe | Sacred Revolution |
Song of the Year | Moreton | See Yourself ft. James Vincent McMorrow |
Song of the Year | GoodRich | love your way |
Album of the Year | The Fortunate Souls | A Better Place |
Album of the Year | Matt Hill | Stars and the Moon and Satellites |
Album of the Year | The Ninth Chapter | The Ninth Chapter |
Album of the Year | Maria Stratton | Wilderness |
The Dolphin Music Awards 2017
Category | Artist | Title |
Album of the Year | Monkey and the Fish | A Place Of Hope |
Song of the year | Maple | Everlasting |
Songwriter of the year | Josh Lee Hamilton | Soul Breaks |
Female Vocal | Serena Moon | Love You I Do |
Male Vocal (Steve Gilpin Memorial Award) | Matty Rogers | Movin On |
Production | Monkey and the Fish | Smell Of Rain |
Country | Brendan Smoother | Behind The Seen |
Country | Doot | It Aint Far To Fall |
Rock | Matt and Tanya Fisher | R-O-C-K |
Music Video | Mick Mchugh | Not in Cansas anymore |
Youth | Maple | Everlasting |
Pop | The Rochelle Lees Band | I Should Have Told You – Pre Production |
Alternative / Indie | Josh Lee Hamilton | No Fun |
Electronic Music | PeterSea and AlexVan Ratingen | Calling – Dub version |
Urban / Hip Hop / Funk | The Fortunate Souls | Tomorrow |
Protest and / or Environmental | Kellie Knight | Refugee |
Folk | Pat Tierney | Spirit Of The Land |
Adult Contemporary | Matt and Tanya Fisher | When Its Cold Outside |
Jazz | Kellie Knight | Flying |
Instrumental | Neon Inferno | Speed Dealers |

The Dolphin Music Awards Entry Process is Below:
- Select the ENTER NOW page
- Provide your Name/Surname/Artist or Band Name/Email address/Mobile number
- Upload your 100 word Bio file (pdf file please) – Click on “Browse” and Select file from your computer
- Upload your jpg Photo (300dpi 1to 3 MB) Click on “Browse” and select file from your computer
- Select “Purchase” or “Renew Membership”
- Select if you are a NCEIA Member (or Non-Member) from the dropdown box options
- Choose your number of entries
- Enter the Title of your entry
- Enter the song Category
- Upload your MP3 128kbps format files (MUST be less than 8MB max) NOT WAV or other files!)
- Video Category: Paste your link to video into field provided
- Follow steps 8 – 10 for each additional entry. Maximum 12 entries then…
- Add to Cart
- After you SUBMIT please wait until you see verification of your entry before proceeding…
- View your ”Cart” and either:
- Select Enter Now again (to enter another song) OR
- Proceed to Checkout
- You will then need to complete your details (Name, Address, Phone number AND enter your email address in the last field)
- All payment processed via PayPal – either via credit card OR paypal account (if you have one) *Please note your entries are not ”saved” until your payment is completed.

At the core of NCEIA is a strong belief that music plays an integral role in connecting and supporting our diverse community, and impacts positively on individuals, both artists and audiences, by framing our cultural identity.
NCEIA would like to Acknowledge the Bundjalung Nation Arakwal Aboriginal People who are the traditional custodians of this land.

© 2019 NCEIA.